Rowley Park Speedway
Rowley Park Speedway program in its first year and the Rowley Park Speedway final program ever……………….

Motordrome Program 1936 which was on Anzac Highway Camden, a Kilburn Speedway Program 21st December 1946, a Skyline Motordrome Speedway Program 1955 and a Thunderbird Raceway ( Virginia ) Program from 1971….

Borderline Speedway
(Mount Gambier) The name Borderline Speedway apparently come about because the locals recon that everyone is a ‘borderline case’. We have great memories of this circuit located near the world famous Blue Lake. The circuit is aproximately 372 metres and is known as the Bullring. Borderline Speedway is aproximately 8 km’s east of Mount Gambier on the Princess Highway.
Borderline Speedway was originally started 50 years ago over the Victorian border where they had acquired 12.5 acres of timber ground next to the Golf Course on Casterton Road but was scrapped before the first ever race meeting because of safety concerns. Thats when Hot Rod racers got together and purchased land at Glenburnie and the rest is history.
Many great drivers have come out of Borderline Speedway likes of ( Super Modifieds ) David Vears, Bill Barrows, Graeme Button, Doug Tucker, Terry Clarke, Byron Clements, Jim Williams, Ray Scott, Robert Cutting, ( Stock Saloons ) Lance Bath, Roger Jennings number 99 fuel injected Honda Civic , again Robert Cutting in his GTR-XU1 Torana and Mulga Buttons number 17 Mini….
The safety fences at Borderline Speedway were the fences from Rowley Park Speedway after its closure. This great circuit is not like most others that it is not run by a promoter or promoters but instead it is successfully run by the club meaning all proceeds are returned to the track and grounds. A credit to all those involved.
Elliston Speedway
The Elliston Speedway was formed in the late 1928 or early 1929 with A. Bartholomeaus as President and A. Inkster as secretary. The commitee comprised of W. Robinson, F. Caroll and H. Flavell….. The very first speedway race meeting was thought to have been held on Eyre Peninsula on 25 / 02 / 1929 at which 1000 people attended and consisted of five races around a one mile circuit on Hamp Lake….
The Main Event was the Eyre Peninsula 10 Mile Open Championship that was won by in 1929 R.A. Seargent, 1930 C. Wiseman, 1931 C. Morley and 1932 H.C. Flavel…. Riders from Port Lincoln had suggested a dirt track session so in 1932 a small speedway track was built at the Colton Showground. L Friedericks from Port Lincoln won most of the events on a 350 Rudge…. In the same year a Gymkhana was held at Elliston….

Kilburn Speedway
Kilburn Speedway was formed by Rocky Marshall in 1945 – 1951 just off Churchill Road. Kilburn Speedway was about 474 yards in diameter. It hosted great racers likes of Sir Jack Brabham ( Australian Speedcar Champion of 1948 at the Sydney Showground ), Harry Neale Wally Watson, Laurie Jamieson, Jack Young, George Robertson and World Champion Speedway rider Vic Duggan in 1949 attracting a record crowd.
Vic Duggan Australian Champion 5 times. Vic Duggan in the 1949 season held the fastest time for the 4 lap scratch at Wembley Speedway with a time of 73.6 seconds and an average speed of 42.04 mph: Vic Duggan passed away in 2007. In 1950 Jack Young defeated Victoria’s Andy Menzies ( World record holder of the 1/4 mile lap record ) in January while Jim Davies won the Australian Sidecar Championships at Kilburn Speedway in February 1950.
A Plaque was placed on the reserve in 2003. This Plaque is for the dedication of Rocky, riders, drivers and all the people involved in the running of the Kilburn Speedway. ( photo of the Memorial plaque ).

Murray Bridge Speedway
(Riverview Speedway) was another very popular speedway circuit and still is. It was established in 1958. In 1962 the Murray Bridge Sporting Car Club and the Murray Bridge Motor Cycle Club took over the ownership and has been running it ever since.
Mostyn Buchanan was and still is the Speedway Manager at Riverview Speedway. This Speedway circuit has had 5 changes over 50 years. The circuit was lengthened and made wider with banked corners and is a 300 metre oval circuit. In about 1999 it was again altered making it now aproximately 360 metres and the club rooms and pit area were also rebuilt.
A credit to the Murray Bridge Sporting Car Club and Motor Cycle Club. Moss Buchanan is currently taking a long over due holiday after 36 years being part of this very successfull Speedway. Names likes of Graham Cowland & Charlie Hage were just two of the local Holden drivers. This venue can hold aproximately 6000 spectators and currently runs a historic race meeting yearly showing some of the many race cars, motorcycles and side cars we grew up with.
Whyalla Speedway

Whyalla Speedway was formed on August 19 1970. The Whyalla Speedway circuit was built in record time on the Iron Knob Road with its first official race meeting being run on April 30 1972. The R.D.A. of S.A. arranged 58 Adelaide drivers to attended to the first ever meeting including Bill Wigzell, Doug Sunstrom, Ray Skipper, Garry Wise and Gentleman Joe Brandler (who rarely ventured away from Rowley Park Speedway), John Crowhurst, Tony Orland, Ian Jones, Phil Hosking and Rob Marchant. etc.etc:
The Whyalla Speedway Club then continued improving the site but at a much slower pace. To race night race meetings it had to hire lighting from Adelaide for 2 years. After this 2 years it was shown to be successfull and were able to raise the funds to purchase there own lighting.
Riverland Speedway

Riverland Speedway is still currently running and is on the Main Road between Berri and Renmark next to the Riverland MotoCross Club. ( awaiting more information. ) .
Speedway City / Park ( Virginia )…

Speedway City formally Speedway Park was formed as Rowley Park Speedway was nearing its end… Land was purchased by the R.D.A. at Supple Road Virginia right next to Adelaide International Raceway after looking at different possible locations. Speedway City’s first Official Race Meeting was November 2. 1979. …
The track length is 430 metres ( 470 yards ) from the pole line. Speedway Park / City is 4 yards shorter but twice as wide as Kilburn Speedway. It also has a 42 acre public car park, something that was lacking at Rowley Park. Speedway City has hosted some brilliant Speedway Action since 1979 and is still currently running. ( Photo above was the developement of Speedway City early February 1979 while Rowley Park Speedway was still in its final season and a photo of Speedway City today )
Skyline Motordrome Speedway

Skyline Motordrome Speedway was started by the late Bill Evans at the Heathfield Oval and operated from 1955 to 1959. In 1958 Skyline Motordrome Speedway was to become Stirling Speedway. Skyline introduced ” Hot Rod ” Stock Car Racing into Australia. Skyline / Stirling Speedway caused plenty of legal battles in it’s time. Skyline Motordrome Speedway hosted some of the countries best Speedway drivers likes of Clem Smith, John H Ellers, Murray Hoffmann, Alf Shields, Alf Beasley, Stud Beasley, Dean Hogarth, Jack Odea (Vic.), Harry Wittle ( N.S.W.), Neville Wells (N.S.W.), Tom Cuddon (N.S.W.),Neville Shephard (N.S.W.), K.L. Munro, Ron Woods, Ted Fullgrabe, Bruce Donald, John Allen, Ray Evans and many more that were also competing at Rowley Park Speedway in that era.
The Skyline Speedway used the same flag formation as Rowley Park except a Blue flag was to Start the race and a green flag was the caution flag. The Skyline Motordrome Ltd. head office was at 44 Grenfell Street, Adelaide. Speedcars and Stock Cars / Hot Rods were mainly run here and the Speedcars at this race circuit in the 1950’s cost around 2000 pounds. ( For more information go to the picture section and the two 1955 program’s of Skyline Motordrome Speedway.).